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Photo by Kai Oberhäuser If you want to check if an element is actually hidden then you can’t just access its style property with JavaScript (as the...
Photo by NASA The global object in Node.js often gets compared to the window object in the browser but they're not quite the same. First, let's...
Photo by insung yoon A timestamp is a numerical value that represents the amount of time that has passed since the Unix epoch (1st Jan 1970) and you...
Photo by Eco Warrior Princess If you want to copy to the clipboard the text from an input element with JavaScript you can call the select function...
Photo by Estée Janssens If you want to get the current date in a format a bit like DD-MM-YYYY or something similar you’ll need to do a bit of work...
Photo by Joshua Coleman So let’s imagine you’re working with an app that has various different parameters added to the URL when loading data for...