How to get the current URL with JavaScript

How to get the current URL with JavaScript

There is a property inside the ​location ​object which will give you the full URL of the page you are currently browsing.

window​.​location​.​href; // e.g.

In addition, you can pass the string that’s contained in the ​href ​property to construct a new ​URL ​object.

const url = new​ ​URL​(​window​.​location​.​href​);

  hash: "",
  host: "",
  hostname: "",
  href: "",
  origin: "",
  password: "",
  pathname: "/somepage",
  port: "",
  protocol: "https:",
  search: "",
  searchParams: URLSearchParams {}

This will give you access to properties like the ​hostname, path, origin etc which makes it easier to extract parts of the URL that you may need.

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